February 2023 Newsletter

The January meeting started off with the AGM

Matthew (Deputy chairman) opened the AGM by welcoming everybody who attended.
There will only be three professional demonstrators this coming year due to increasing costs and numbers of members attending meetings.
Non professional demo meetings will be Club days.
March and September will be club member demos. ie one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Other club days to be anything goes, mentoring, explaining and having fun.

Graham reported due to medical reasons he may have to hand over the Secretary position but will carry on as long as possible. Membership now approaching 30.
Some members stated they would have an email newsletter in preference to a printed copy.
So far 16 members have replied to Fred's email. If you would like only an email newsletter and have not replied please do so as Fred needs the record.

Steve reported that some minor problems with the equipment were delt with and PAT would continue as usuall.

Club trophies were present to Ken Akrill turner of the year and the Orchard Woodturners trophy to Nick Adamek.

The committee as it stands, although still two positions need filling, was voted in.

When the meeting ended Keith Leonard explained how he turned a bowl and Paul Hunt explained how he sharpened his turning tools using a bench grinder and a Tormek system. It appears that both were enjoyed by the members present.

The next meeting February 11th will be a demonstration by Ed Oliver the owner of Oliver's woodturners. Ed is an expert turner and instructor so it should be a very interesting day. Regards